DAAD funding programme for green hydrogen (deadline 28 February 2023)

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is launching a new funding program for research on “green hydrogen”. The program includes scholarships for international research visits, internships and research stays in Germany, as well as funding for expert working groups to improve networking between science and industry. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research is funding the program with around six million euros until 2025.

Green hydrogen is crucial for decarbonization in major sectors such as the German steel and chemical industries or in aviation, shipping and heavy goods traffic. It is thus a key element of sustainable European transformation. Furthermore, hydrogen technology offers diverse potential for value creation and may develop to become a core business area for the German and European export industry. On the initiative of the German Federal Government, experts from throughout Europe jointly identified the most pressing issues of research and innovation on green hydrogen at European level and compiled them in a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA).

As a result of the SRIA the German government is funding the DAAD scholarship program to strengthen the international cooperation of researchers in the European Research Area (ERA) and interest young scientists in the topic of green hydrogen. The current call for applications will end the 28th of February 2023, and terms and conditions to apply can be found here: ERA Fellowships – Green Hydrogen – DAAD